How Insurance Companies are Preparing for the Future through Shared Value
Nina Jais - FSGSVI NewsThis is an exciting time of innovation and impact for the insurance industry. As we’ve discussed in our research, insurance is the ultimate shared value indust…
A New Dawn for Corporate Leadership
Justin Bakule - SVI, Mark Kramer - FSGPoint of ViewChange the World? Indeed! The world already seems to be changing more quickly than anyone can keep up with. From one breathless headline to the next, we are …
The Ecosystem of Shared Value
Mark Kramer, Marc Pfitzer - FSGSVI NewsCompanies do not operate in isolation. The synergy between business success and addressing social problems can be powerful. The first large-scale program to di…
The Power of Organizational Change
Katie Schlepp Zatorski - formerly at SVISVI PartnersOne NGO's journey to big impact through smarter corporate partnerships.When it comes to social change, large companies can bring the resources needed to make i…